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How to cancel approved time off?Learn how to cancel approved time off in a few clicks
How to set a different email for notifications?Learn how to set a different email for notifications?
How to set up a recurring expense?Lean how you can add recurring expenses for your remote team members.
How to duplicate a contract?Learn how to quickly duplicate a contract and save time
How to delete an equipment?Learn how to delete an equipment.
How to approve or reject an expense?Learn how to manage expenses in a few clicks
How to mark your equipment as returned?Learn how to manage returned equipment.
What are the various types of user roles available?Learn about how to assign the appropriate roles to your team
How to add equipment for your contractor?Learn how to manage equipment.
How to set an approver for expenses, time-off and work submissions?Learn how to assign a manager to to approver for expenses, time-off requests and work submissions
How to change the Contractor label?Learn how you can customize contractor label to fit your need
Smart Contract Editor to edit templatesLearn how you can add, remove, modify our contract template using the contract editor
Edit a pending contractLearn how to make edits to your contracts in a few clicks
Amend an active contractLearn how to amend an active contract in a few clicks
How do I create a contract using a RemotePass template?
How to add an Annex to a contract?Learn how to attach extra an annex/exhibit to an agreement
How to manage Time Off?Learn how to manage time off requests as an admin or an approver
How to add company logo to documents?Learn how to customize your documents to align with your brand's visual identity
How to Create and Manage Custom Fields?Learn how to streamline your contract management by using custom fields