Check the sections below for detailed step-by-step instructions.
Adding an Automation
To create an automation using a template, follow the steps below:
Go to the Automations tab in Company Settings and select a predefined template.
Review and customize the automation by editing filters and actions, if required.
Save and/or Publish
Alternatively, you can create an automation from scratch:
Go to the Automations tab in Company Settings and click on Add automation.
Set up a trigger and configure the necessary filters. Available fields depend on the trigger category.
Add at least one action, such as Send Email or Send Slack Message.
Optionally, include additional actions or delay steps as needed.
Save and/or Publish.
Add filters to tailor the automation trigger to your needs. e.g. only automate work anniversary messages for full-time employees.
Editing an Automation
To modify an existing automation, go to the Automation list and click on an automation:
For unpublished automations, you can freely edit and save steps and filters.
For published automations, changes require you to either publish the updated version or unpublish the automation before saving.
When modifying an existing trigger, incompatible filters and placeholders will be removed. E.g. Time off related filters and placeholders, when the trigger is changed to 'Contract activated'.
Setting up Actions
To configure actions, open the Automation list and select an automation:
Click on Add Action and choose from two types of actions: Send Email and Send Slack Message.
Schedule actions to ensure optimal timing.
At least one action is required for the automation to be published.
To send Slack messages, ensure a workspace is connected.
Choose between Direct Messages or messages to Channels.
Slack workspaces are shared and can be used to set up automations by other users with editing permissions.
Placeholders can be added to the message body in order to create dynamic content, e.g. Worker name, Contract ID. The available fields depend on the trigger category.
Setting up Delays
To configure delays, open the Automation list and select an automation:
Click on Add Delay
Fill in the number of days to configure the delay step.
The maximum allowed is 30 days
What happens to ongoing runs when an automation is modified?
When a published automation is edited, unpublished, or deleted, all pending runs are canceled.
Pending runs occur under these conditions:
Triggers with time-based attributes (e.g., payments due in 3 days).
Delay steps (e.g., waiting for 3 days).
Scheduled actions (e.g., sending an email tomorrow).
Are there any limits to the automations steps?
Yes, the following limits apply:
Maximum number of actions: 4.
Maximum number of delays: 3.
Maximum days per delay: 30 days.
Who can set up automations?
Clients with editing rights to the Automations section under the Company Settings can create and modify automations. Automations created by other users are also visible and editable.
Triggers list
Triggers list
Pending worker signature
This event is triggered when the worker is invited to sign a contract but has not signed it after x days.
Pending company signature
This event is triggered when the company has not signed the contract after x days.
Contract activated
This event is triggered when the contract status turns to Ongoing.
Contract terminated
This event is triggered when the contract status turns to Terminated.
Contract amended
This event is triggered when the contract status turns to Pending Amendment.
Direct manager changed
This event is triggered when a direct manager is assigned to a contract.
Job role changed
This event is triggered when there is an update of the worker role/title in a contract.
Work anniversary
This event is triggered x days before/after the contract anniversary date
Upcoming contract start
This event is triggered x days before/after the contract start date.
This event is triggered a specific amount of days before/after the worker’s anniversary date.
Time off
Upcoming time off
This event is triggered x days before/after the start date of an approved time off request.
Ending time off
This event is triggered x days before/after the end date of an approved time off request.
Pending time off approval
This event is triggered when a time off request is in pending status for more than x days.
Negative time off balance
This event is triggered when the time off balance is < 0 in for more than x days.
Pending due payment approval
This event is triggered when one or more due payments are pending approvals for more than x days. Due payments are triggered 5 days before the payment date.
Paid payment
This event is triggered when a company transaction turns to status paid.
Pending overdue payment
This event is triggered when one or more payments are overdue for more than x days.
New adjustment
This event is triggered when a Client submits an adjustment where the amount is greater or equals a certain value.
New expense
This event is triggered when a worker submits an expense where the amount is greater or equals a certain value.
Paid payment
This event is triggered when an expense is in pending status for more than x days.
Submitted works
New work
This event is triggered when a worker submits work where the amount is greater or equals a certain value.
Pending work approval
This event is triggered when a submitted work is in pending status for more than x days.
Pending worker document
This event is triggered when document requested to the worker is in pending status for more than x days.
Pending client document
This event is triggered when document requested to the Client is in pending status for more than x days.